During National Latinx Heritage Month, we recognize and celebrate the contributions that Latinx people have made to North American society and culture. Beginning today and continuing through October 15, Latinx Heritage Month incorporates anniversaries of independence for many Latin American countries and serves as a reminder that Latinx people are diverse in race, origin, religion and, yes, language.
With more than 60 million people who identify as Latinx/o/a and Hispanic in the United States, Latinxs are shaping this nation’s future. For example, according to Pew Research Center, a record 32 million Latinxs are projected to be eligible to vote in the 2020 election cycle.
From art and language to landmark-advocacy and literature—and even the foods we eat—at PetSmart we stand United Together, or Unidos Juntos, in celebrating the countless ways Latinx people have shaped our country throughout history.
While we can’t get together physically, there are several virtual ways that you can celebrate and learn more about the Latinx culture:
Go on a virtual cultural field trip.
Venture into the cocina and make a traditional Latinx dish.
Take salsa dance lessons in your living room.
Meet the celebs who identify as Latinx—because Latinx people aren’t one-size-fits all.
Learn more about how “The Border Crossed Us” in Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico.
Meet 20 Latinxs who are using their voice, talent and passion to empower communities and show that America’s strength lies in our diversity.
Learn about the work being done to create a Smithsonian American Latino Museum in Washington D.C.