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Interview Tips for Students and Recent Grads

We're so excited to welcome new faces to #PetSmartOnCampus and #LifeAtPetSmart this summer! Check out the bite-sized bits of advice below to make the most of your internship or training program.


Be prepared...

  • for behavioral based interview questions

  • for questions like: What are you majoring in? Why did you choose that major? What are you hoping to gain from an internship?

  • with questions for the interviewer. Find out why they chose the company and how they use their skills

Make sure...

  • to do your research on the company you're interviewing with and know why you want to be in the area you applied for

  • to know what attire is appropriate and dress accordingly for your interview (even virtually!)

  • you share school or work examples related to the role you're applying for

  • you practice summarizing your experience before the interview

  • you're able to talk about the skills listed on your resume

  • during a video interview that the camera is level with your face and look at the interviewer, not yourself on screen

Try to customize...

  • your resume!

  • your thank you letters!


For more fun #PetSmartOnCampus insight, tips, and stories, follow @PetSmartOnCampus on Instagram!


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